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Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media Adelaide Australia 5000

The Strength of Tenacity:
Daring to Challenge the Status Quo in a Time of Crisis.

The true story of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media Adelaide Australia 5000
2020-02-04_-_Powerful - His fight Is Over_-_David_Fesliyan
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Telling the true story of COVID-19 for the fallen.

One man. One voice.
The pen is mightier than the sword.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

 Published | Tuesday | 07/05/2024.

 Author: Liam Lloyd Warriner, Semaphore, South Australia.

 Honouring The Fallen

 The True Story Of COVID-19

I am writing this for all the past, present and future victims of the COVID-19 pandemic. You deserved better. We love you. I am Liam Lloyd Warriner from Semaphore, South Australia.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

In the dying months of 2019 and dawn of 2020, a global crisis hit in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic. Commanding worldwide attention, the public witnessed the leaders of their sovereign nations pledge their fealty to the World Health Organization and the WEF through various personal ties and political relationships forged and held in secret. And from the Australian Parliament House to the White House of the United States, to the Grand Palaces of Westminster in Great Britain their directives were clear - relentless dissemination of a singular narrative, a narrative that could only succeed by lack of objective analysis and deliberation that a crisis of this magnitude demanded.

Their preferred course of action: instil a deep-seated fear and panic among the public, driving them to accept a new and largely untested “vaccine” technology. It was a shock and awe campaign, complete with dramatic footage of individuals succumbing without warning to the "novel coronavirus", only for these startling scenes to vanish from the public eye as swiftly as they appeared steamrolling public scrutiny as the barrage of shock and awe media continued. In a maneuver that was nothing short of deceptive, the PCR test was strategically employed, fabricating a disease out of thin air to artificially balloon the numbers. The ultimate objective? To plant seeds of fear in the hearts of the unsuspecting populace. In the chronicles of medicine, this method has never been marked as a useful tool for disease detection; there's no badge of honor to its name for such capability and human beings in their billions allowed pop-up clinics staffed by unqualified casual workers to stick God only knows what up their noses. The general atmosphere felt like we were on a runaway train, with no stops in sight until every individual had been injected with this “new vaccine” technology.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

The constant refrain, "Get the jab," was their rallying cry, broadcast from every podium, every radio station and every television screen amidst patriotic rhetoric and heartwarming edicts enforced at the barrel of a gun like:

"Mask Up, Save Lives".

"Stay Home, Stay Safe".

"Social Distancing: Now is Not the Time to Be Close".

"Wash Hands, Save Lives".

And their prime directive:

"Protect Yourself, Protect Others: Get Vaccinated"..

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

Despite the warning signs held up by respected doctors and scientists about the potential risks of this new and largely untested “vaccine” technology, their pleas fell on deaf ears. Unwanted and unheeded, these once respected health professionals were as welcome as a black cat at a superstition convention. And rather than rigorous scientific validation and discussion, those in power chose to simply punitively target doctors, nurses, scientists, teachers, construction workers, regular citizens, and the elderly who would not wear masks, stay home and get vaccinated. Yet, in the face of this mounting pressure and insult, a few brave doctors stood firm. These individuals, all of them respected by their colleagues and renowned in their fields, refused to be silenced. Prominent names that easily come to mind: (Ordered alphabetically)

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

As the pandemic unfolded, we found ourselves in a real-time masterclass of Data 101. The numbers didn't lie, and the plot twist was a doozy – a significant surge in deaths following the vaccine rollout. High-profile athletes, celebrities and healthcare moguls lined up to endorse the "vaccine" they knew as much about as quantum physics, only to shuffle off this mortal coil in front of a global audience. The media treated these tragic events with the gravity of a kitten video, no scrutiny, no debates, and they were forgotten faster than last year's summer hit.

But then, like a pop song that grows on you, the voices of a few brave doctors began to cut through the white noise of parroted nonsense. People started to prick up their ears, question, and swap research while having informed discussions. Public opinion began to drift like a slow-moving glacier. It was a marathon, not a sprint, with a high cost of lives, but it was a testament to the enduring power of persistence, bravery, and a dogged pursuit of truth.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

In the prologue of our current times, a mystery of monumental proportions still hangs in the balance. To this day, the curtain of consensus remains drawn, with vaccine makers and promoters of vaccines refusing to disclose the true contents of the injections that have become the focal point of our lives. The challenges of their reputable counterparts echo through the corridors of power and public discourse, painting a picture of inconsistencies and variations in their injections. They discuss the presence of various concealed components in differing batches of the injections, all produced under the vigilant supervision of unidentified monitors in locations that are fundamentally akin to military installations.

These unidentified figures, the puppet masters of this grand narrative, stand behind the impenetrable fortress of vaccine liability protection. Armed with this shield, they operate with a brazen imperviousness, injecting into the unsuspecting public whatever substances they deem fit. The audacity of their actions is breathtaking, their reach seemingly boundless. Their concoctions, maintained in secrecy, may even extend to the realm of nanotechnology.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

The often unspoken question, "What is really in these injections?" continues to echo, unanswered, in the minds of many. The veil of secrecy that shrouds these concoctions fuels mistrust and uncertainty. More than ever, the need for transparency, accountability, and rigorous scientific scrutiny is paramount while we navigate this uncharted territory.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

The one-sided obsession wanes before us, replaced by a more nuanced discourse. A discourse that recognizes the complexities and uncertainties of MRNA technology, that values dialogue, debate, and critical thinking. It’s a victory of reason over propaganda, evidence over single-minded obsession, and integrity over coercion. It’s a powerful reminder that even in the face of insurmountable pressure and adversity, the pursuit of truth and justice ultimately prevails.

The public now awaits our well-paid and well-fed elected representatives to listen to our voices and forestall any future ideas of mass manipulation of the public.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

When it comes to the sovereign territory of our bodies, it's a game of individual agency. I'll navigate the intricacies of my health, and you do the same for yours. If collaboration is sought, it must be underpinned by forthright and transparent discussion about the objectives sought. No one holds the mandate to commandeer another's physical autonomy – a salient reminder for those at the helm of governance and health institutions.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

We are not a hivemind connected by Artificially Intelligent Life Control Units and the Super-Computer yet. I still believe we have one brain connected to one nervous system. And we are the masters of our own destiny still.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

As we step into the unknown, armoured with the power of knowledge, we must remember that it is our right and duty to question the narrative, to seek the truth, and to stand up for our freedom. This basic understanding is a testament to our human spirit, unyielding in the face of adversity, and unwavering in pursuit of truth and justice. We owe it to ourselves, our families, and future generations to ensure that the choices we make today are informed, fair, and respect the sanctity of each and every individual on their own journey through life.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

For none are fit to rule who do not value the autonomy and dignity of every individual.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

“They must find it difficult, those who have taken authority as truth, rather than truth as authority.”

― Gerald Massey

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

Reading Time: 5 minutes
Word Count: 1250+

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

 Published | Tuesday | 07/05/2024.

 Author: Liam Lloyd Warriner, Semaphore, South Australia.


 Honouring The Fallen

 The True Story Of COVID-19

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Download and disseminate this article's wisdom across the realm. We must vanquish this gargantuan challenge that humanity faces, and promptly we shall reap the rewards, heralding a new era for the future of all human beings.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media Adelaide Australia 5000

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Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media Adelaide Australia 5000

Keywords: "Strength, Tenacity, Daring, Challenge, Status Quo, Crisis, Resilience, Courage, Determination, Perseverance, Boldness, Innovation, Change, Revolution, Risk, Adaptation, Survival, Bravery, Resolve, Fearless, Ambition, Initiative, Vision, Disruption, Transformation, Struggle, Resilience, Grit, Progress, Stand, Fight, Drive, Spirit, Endurance, Persistence, Power, Leadership, Growth, Evolution, Breakthrough, Motivation, Confidence, Assertiveness, Steadfastness, Overcoming, Triumph, Conviction, Defiance, Assertion, Change, Confrontation, Resistance, Ambition, Empowerment, Fortitude, Inspiration, Pioneering, Staunchness, Devotion, Enterprise, Intrepid, Unyielding, Stalwart, Dauntless, Gallantry, Mettle, Fearlessness, Indomitable, Unflagging, Invincible, Unbeatable, Unconquerable, Unassailable, Unflinching, Valiant, Audacious, Unwavering, Unswerving, Unrelenting, Dogged, Assiduous, Indefatigable, Unshakable, Adamant, Obdurate, Steely, Tenacious, Herculean, Lionhearted, Stouthearted, Unfaltering, Unalterable, Unchangeable, Fixed, Stubborn, Steadfast, Firm, Inflexible, Hardened, Uncompromising, Obstinate, Immovable, Unyielding."

It is the current year where power is unjustly hoarded and the chasms of disparity are about to become permanent. It's the hour to rally against the ruling order. We stand on the brink of a new era, where each utterance rings with divinity and every deed can change the course of our shared destiny. By donating to Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, you allow me to continue to work and pay my bills. Challenging the mighty, and striving to restore our intrinsic human value. Your generous contribution fuels this quest, illuminating paths once dark and helping to create a better realm for all of us. Don't let the thunderous decrees of the few drown out the symphony of the many. Pledge your support, draw your sword, and help me build a legacy of change. For The Love Of Humanity.

- Liam Lloyd Warriner

Press here to support Liam Lloyd Directly.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
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