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Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

The Human Race is in a Trance. Oligarchs Shielded by the Might of Western Kingdoms, claim Immeasurable & Unassailable Dominion over the Empires United by the English Lexicon.

 Published | Monday | 15/04/2024.

 Author: Liam Lloyd Warriner, Semaphore, South Australia.

 A Letter To Humanity
 A Challenge To Oligarchy

Open for trade servicing Australia & worldwide!

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

I am targeting my discourse towards the paramount individuals in our world. They whose fictions we trade in, whose twaddle we are force-fed, and whose marionettes we observe strut upon the world stage. Issuing absurd mandates while trying to conceal their engorged bellies and their lack of true commitment to the service of the public. Revealing an obsession with hierarchical dominance rather than human life.

Can I Liam Lloyd Warriner of [] have your undivided attention for a few minutes to talk about this important subject?

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

Silence, and fulfil your gold obligations! If thy coins lack in this age, blame not the high lords and their lackeys. Nay, t'is ever a problem of the lower ranks. It’s always a bottom-up problem. And if you complain there are myriads of ways to replace thee! As we are witnessing in the West as we speak.

The world watches in 2024 as the rich grow richer, and the poor grow poorer. And as the chasms of inequality widen. In the looming era of battle. A rift is being forged that will soon witness one faction (The Oligarchs) shielded by the might of Autonomous, Sky-Beast, Machines Of War, while the other stands unprotected.

The fact is: If you can be seen and recognized by the eye of a machine's computational mind, you may find yourself in its crosshairs, marked for eradication by an automaton devoid of mercy.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

We see this happening already in Gaza…

“A new report suggests that Israel allegedly used an AI-powered database, called "Lavender", to select potential targets, including suspected Hamas militants, in the Gaza Strip. The AI tool, developed by Israeli military data scientists, analyzed vast amounts of surveillance data and other information to generate targets for assassination. This tool might have played a significant role in the early stages of the current war, with Israel conducting continuous waves of airstrikes on the territory. As a result, over 33,000 Palestinians, mainly women and children, have reportedly been killed. Six anonymous Israeli intelligence officers confirmed the use of AI in target selection, with one alleging that human personnel served only as a 'rubber stamp' for the machine's decisions.“

This is significantly cheaper than sending actual men to do the task.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

Back in the un-earned-marble, blood-stained halls of concealed power, the inbred hereditary oligarchs, born of privilege, wield their power in the lands brought together by the English lexicon and clandestinely decree the destiny of God's progeny. Their hands deftly maneuver the chess pieces of our world toward an unavoidable clash. Half a million, 500,000+, Eastern European, neighbours, brothers, and sisters thus far are dead.. And what is the cause of this war? Those who dare to search for the truth in this tale of human suffering know well the origin of this devastating war. See “Ukraine On Fire” By Vanessa Dean (Link)

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

In the lands of Western Ukraine, a Nazi faction of the far-right rose to power. This group, accused of carrying out heinous acts, shrouded in rumours of illegal human experiments and secret prisons where citizens would vanish never to be seen again... It is said these prisons were manned by those who found twisted enjoyment in the torture of their captives whilst (allegedly) smoking meth... Their list of atrocities and victims is endless, and they have on countless occasions turned their weapons toward innocent women and children, raining torrents of hellfire and shrapnel at peaceful markets and villages without remorse. They, and they alone, have ignited the flame of the current conflict in Ukraine, meeting the parameters for outside intervention.

Power. Again. In the wrong hands. A product of Western Intelligence Agencies. (Allegedly)

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

The watershed event sparking the current conflict was when in 2014, Western Ukraine’s far-right faction rejected the democratic vote of the majority of citizens in Eastern Ukraine. Citizens who then voted for their independence even had their votes scrutinized by foreign scrutineers. The vote was legitimate according to the scrutineers at the time. And they were desperate for any lawful resolution to the violence. They pleaded for intervention repeatedly amid ongoing political violence and internal bloody aggression from an ascendant Western-backed, Neo-Nazi, far-right faction. Fueled by a youth radicalization pipeline & (allegedly) copious amounts of meth. With suspected funding from Western intelligence agencies…(Allegedly)

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

If your mind can grasp it, such is the jest your tribute gold casts upon you in these epochs, from the modern-day titans of power.

And they call Russian loyalists traitors?…

I've witnessed with my own eyes, at the mystical portal of visions, scenes of Ukrainian soldiers in their battlefield regalia, seemingly intoxicated by the witch's whiff, ruthlessly eliminating their brethren who seemed to be young lads from different clans, desperate and helpless and unceremoniously discarded, dismissed without honour or remembrance...
The routine distortion and censorship of such scenes in Western media is something I find profoundly unsettling.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

When the question arises, "What is your judgment of Putin?" Verily, the truth is that he had not a whisper nor a hint of involvement in the genesis of this conflict. He is thus criticized for acting too late and acting too slowly by his peers. And so, he took action at the very last moment that his duty would allow him to as a leader of his people. He was defending their lives. Was he expected to let unchecked, the (alleged) frenzied, meth-addled, far-right death squads, going house to house, kicking doors down, executing and implementing their reign of terror, pillaging and slaughtering their Western kin in the former lands of Rus? See Tucker Carlson. The Vladimir Putin Interview:

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

Do we not all belong to the human race? Are we not all offspring of the Divine, children of what has been known since the dawn of time as Divine Providence? This eternal guiding force of humanity, whose blessed love is bestowed upon each and every one of us?

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

Remember this. The Western Oligarchs, those who stand above us in their lofty towers, they too are but mere mortals, bound by the same human constraints as the rest of us.

In the sporadic moments when our paths have crossed, I have engaged with the unlikely figures of the Western Oligarchs. Their guarded presence echoes with a chilling void of merriment; their gaze, deep wells of oblivion and indifference. Not one of them is a man who embraces the human body and spirit. But yet, they are the ones calling the shots in our world, the ones shaping the future of our societies. These individuals have forgotten the essence of love, the value of humility, and the saving grace of forgiveness. Utterly lost in their obsession with hierarchical dominance they are now strangers to us all. They appear isolated, discontent, and wholly dependent on the portion of the populace who blindly obey their senseless prattle. Which they achieve through the manipulation of our fake fiat debt dispensaries. In this day, we, the characters destined to tread the paths of liberty and accomplish marvels, find ourselves ensnared by seemingly deranged authorities and forced into a queer match of Roulette of the Damned.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

Beware, a dread future awaits if you do not awaken to the nefarious deeds of the Western Oligarchy. All able-bodied men and women will be conscripted into a war, not of their choosing. You will be seized, stripped naked, humiliated, your dignity ripped away and any flame of independence and free will crushed. While dancing to the discordant screams of your overfed and ill-tempered drill sergeants, which will echo in your waking mind as you break into 1000 pieces. You will be swept away and silenced. Your heart will be twisted, forced to malevolence, forced to commit the unthinkable act of taking another's life. And in turn, your life will almost certainly be extinguished without ceremony or honour, your body discarded in an unmarked mass grave by the indifferent machinations of war. This grim fate has already befallen hundreds of thousands of men and women who have died thus far in the Russo-Ukraine neighbour, brother, civil war..

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

I, Liam Lloyd Warriner, a scribe from Australia and warrior of humanity, do hereby declare to the high lords of this nation and all the financiers who put them there, my utter rejection of their pitiful reign. Their leadership, tainted by corruption and rooted in maintaining hierarchical dominance, strays far from the path of facilitating an environment of human flourishing. Enough. We, the many, the united, the alive and awakened progeny of the divine, will not stand idle in this age of deceit. We are ascendant. We hold to order all claimants of authority. We demand transparency and peace, and those who do not seek peace will be isolated, ridiculed & rejected.

The common folk, the pillars of our lands, should not be forsaken to the icy wind and bone-crushing bombard of hellfire while a privileged few luxuriate in boundless treasures. The power is in our agreement. And there is no longer any agreement. The Western leadership has broken their agreement with us. They have betrayed their duty to us all and they have attacked and murdered us. We can now force transformation, we can now wield the forces of change. How can it be that countless other kingdoms across the globe can supply their citizens with affordable energy, products, and services and at the same time we IN THE EMPIRES OF THE ENGLISH LEXICON AND ITS ALLIES are burdened with exorbitant tributes that are misused to sow war, disease, and famine upon those who are no different from us?

I pray.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

The time has come to challenge the narratives fed to you by the few. Possessing the national broadcasting systems with their filth. Animating each shiny new avatar in sequence with their prattle. Infiltrating our Institutions. Corrupting our youth. Dividing and then buying all with their fake fiat debt dispensaries. The time has come to see through the illusions of the grand spectacle and reclaim your inherent human dignity. The time has come to re-awaken, remember your worth, and embody humanity's essence once more.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

To counter the ever-emergent ignorance generated by relentless public spectacles, it's increasingly necessary to push yourself every day to question the narratives presented by those ruling over you. It's time to see past the smoke and mirrors of the digital age and reclaim your intrinsic human value. You must re-awaken and remember your worth within this interconnected global society. And once again, personify what it truly means to be a human being awakened in the awe and splendour of God’s Divine Creation.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

Reading Time 7minutes
Word Count: 1700+

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,

 Published | Mon |15/04/2024.

 Author: Liam Lloyd Warriner, Semaphore, South Australia.

 A Letter To Humanity
 A Challenge To Oligarchy

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
2020-02-04_-_Powerful - His fight Is Over_-_David_Fesliyan
00:00 / 07:19
00:00 / 02:44

Challenging global power dynamics and inequality.

One man. One voice.
The pen is mightier than the sword.

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Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media Adelaide Australia 5000

Download and disseminate this article's wisdom across the realm. We must vanquish this gargantuan challenge that humanity faces, and promptly we shall reap the rewards, heralding a new era for the future of all human beings.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media Adelaide Australia 5000
The Oligarchs Banner Warriner dot com

Keywords: "Artificial Intelligence, Language, Infrastructure, Authorities, Energy, Conflict, Crimes, Communication, Disparity, Political Groups, Fate and Will, Geography, Human Rights, Military, Religion, Human Worth, Technology, Law Enforcement, Satire and Criticism, Goods and Services, Health and Wellness, Administration, Economics, Personal Development"

It is the current year where power is unjustly hoarded and the chasms of disparity are about to become permanent. It's the hour to rally against the ruling order. We stand on the brink of a new era, where each utterance rings with divinity and every deed can change the course of our shared destiny. By donating to Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, you allow me to continue to work and pay my bills. Challenging the mighty, and striving to restore our intrinsic human value. Your generous contribution fuels this quest, illuminating paths once dark and helping to create a better realm for all of us. Don't let the thunderous decrees of the few drown out the symphony of the many. Pledge your support, draw your sword, and help me build a legacy of change. For The Love Of Humanity.

- Liam Lloyd Warriner

Press here to support Liam Lloyd Directly.

Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
Liam Lloyd Warriner Independent Media, Australia. Photography, Design, Writing, Art, Animation, Shop, Letter To Humanity,
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